due diligence services

We provide software and energy business Due Diligence for investors.

what we do

We offer due diligence services in the following two areas:  

  1. Software development, SW architecture and dev team competence DD (see details below)
  2. Energy venture investment DD (innovation, market, strategy, roadmap, team, leadership) 

In both of the above mentioned areas, we offer two packages: Initial overview (2 days) and comprehensive overview (4 days)

Our software due diligence expertise covers the following areas:  iPhone, iPad, Android, Mac OS X, Windows, PHP, Python, Web, Database etc.

Desktop environment:   DOS (16/32bit), Windows (16/32/64bit),  Mac OS X, iPhone, Android, Linux.  Languages:  C, C++, Basic, Visual Basic, PowerBasic, Pascal, Object Pascal, Delphi, C#, .Net.  Development environments:  Visual Studio 6-2010, Borland C++Builder, Delphi, Xcode, GNU gcc, minGW. Frameworks: VCL, OWL, MFC, Qt, Cocoa and many 3rd party components and libraries.

Embedded:   Atmel AVR ATmega, ATxmega, ATtiny, PIC F-series and 8051/52 compatible 8bit systems. Also 16bit and 32bit versions of AVR and PIC as well as ARM Cortex-M0/M3 are in our competence. 

who we are

We have decades of experince in the area of cleantech & energy ventures and software development.

business DD

Tarja Teppo   

software dd


Contact us

If you are interested in buying DD services from us, please book a time for short discussion from our Calendly page here or fill in the form below.

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