We offer due diligence services in the following two areas:
In both of the above mentioned areas, we offer two packages: Initial overview (2 days) and comprehensive overview (4 days)
Our software due diligence expertise covers the following areas: iPhone, iPad, Android, Mac OS X, Windows, PHP, Python, Web, Database etc.
Desktop environment: DOS (16/32bit), Windows (16/32/64bit), Mac OS X, iPhone, Android, Linux. Languages: C, C++, Basic, Visual Basic, PowerBasic, Pascal, Object Pascal, Delphi, C#, .Net. Development environments: Visual Studio 6-2010, Borland C++Builder, Delphi, Xcode, GNU gcc, minGW. Frameworks: VCL, OWL, MFC, Qt, Cocoa and many 3rd party components and libraries.
Embedded: Atmel AVR ATmega, ATxmega, ATtiny, PIC F-series and 8051/52 compatible 8bit systems. Also 16bit and 32bit versions of AVR and PIC as well as ARM Cortex-M0/M3 are in our competence.
If you are interested in buying DD services from us, please book a time for short discussion from our Calendly page here or fill in the form below.